Need help finding right window balance

Quick Learner from Austin, TX
May 26, 2012 9:32 am
I need a replacement non-tilt 28" long 1/2" channel balance.
I can't seem to find a match in your series of channel balances. This balance has wings on the top plastic piece, but NOT on the bottom plastic piece. Please see the attached images. Can you help me find the right part?

It looks like the top plastic piece "might" be 19-005, while the bottom "might" be 15-001, 15-002, or 15-003.

These is for an aluminum window made by Builder's First Choice. It seems to match my other windows from Alenco.

A customer submitted photo of channel balance attachments.
1 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
May 29, 2012 9:40 am
Thanks for posting! With a winged top attachment and non-winged bottom attachment, your balance will have to be custom made.

However, before we can begin the custom ordering process, we'll have to figure out what that bottom attachment is. Please look at the dimensions for the three shoes you mentioned; the 15-001, 15-002, and 15-003. Which dimensions are closest to your shoe? Once we know that, we can work from there!
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