I ordered item number S 750-28 as you can see is the wrong one
The length is good- the thickness is not- mine is like 1/2 inches and the 2 end are different. Please let me know what?s the right item number.
Need help identifying this unique balance
Quick Learner from United States
Jun 21, 2018 12:24 pm
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 28, 2018 12:45 pm
Thank you for your patience. We can replace this balance, but it will have to be custom made. Before we can begin, can you tell me the stamp from the original balance? If you aren't sure what it is, if it's too faded, or if there is no letter following a number, we will need the exact weight of the sash.
Finally, one last important note: you need to save the clip shown in the top balance in your third photo. They no longer make these, so you need to reuse it.
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