Need new keyed handle set

Handy Person from La Puente, Ca
Oct 9, 2021 9:45 pm
The sliding door handle I have in place right now is it ot keyed. I have no idea all the parts I will need to make it keyed. Screws on current handle in place are 4 15/16. What parts do I need to replace this with a keyed handle? Thank you
2 Replies

Bob from SWISCO
Oct 14, 2021 3:03 pm

If your handle set has a hole spacing of 4-15/16", it may resemble our 82-080. If so, you could technically adapt the 82-310 Key Lock to the outside pull, but cutting the hole for this on this type of handle set is tricky. I honestly think you're better off just buying a new keyed handle set in this case--see our 82-081. If you're uncertain this in fact the style of handle set you have to begin with, we do advise sending pictures of your existing hardware.
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