Need parts

Quick Learner from Cincinnati, Oh
Dec 14, 2015 1:05 pm
This part is for our Season All windows. It is the part which holds the tilt window into the track when unlocked and sliding up or down. The parts are Left Hand and Right Hand. We need to order a combination or sets.

On the back of the plastic casting is a number 1196 R and on the other side 1196 L. Could you please supply me with a current part number, price and availability?

User submitted a photo of a tilt latch.
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Dec 16, 2015 10:29 am
The closest parts I could find are our 26-078 and 26-079. However, the hole spacing on these are 2-5/16", not 2-7/17". Can you double check that measurement? Make sure to measure from the center of each hole, not their edges.
Quick Learner from Cincinnati, Ohio
Dec 16, 2015 11:59 am
Definitely center to center is 2-7/16 although I could likely make the 2-5/16th work if I had to. Are these only sold individually or are they also offered in sets?
Tom from SWISCO
Dec 17, 2015 12:02 pm
Thanks for clarifying! How about our 26-176 and 26-177? These may be closer.

Some tilt latches are sold in pairs, but the ones suggested are only sold individually.
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