Need replacement locks for hotel windows

Professional from North Little Rock
I am needing about 20 window locks for my hotel. Please see the window info below:

AAMA/NWWDA 101/I.S.2-97 Series: 450
User submitted a photo of a window lock.
4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Hey there! The sweep lock you show looks like the left and right hand locks 90-308 and 90-309. As for the keeper I can't get a good look at it, and I'm not sure if it is still available. If you need to replace the keeper, send us some photos along with dimensions for us to examine.
Quick Learner
Here are the dimensions for the keeper
ssh lock dimensions
sash lcok
Paul from SWISCO
Your keeper was discontinued; however, our 90-259 may work. Drilling new holes may be necessary.
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