I'm looking for replacement pivot bars. I do not know the manufacturer and there are no identifying marks on any of the windows. The only markings are on the pivot bars themselves, but my searches have turned up with nothing. The number on the pivot bar is "9749". The pictures I took aren't the greatest and are a little deceiving. I will list the measurements of each picture below;
1.jpg - 3" in length
2.jpg - 9/32" wide
3.jpg - 3/8" "pivot point"
4.jpg - 2" to the only hole
I forgot to take a picture of the thickness, but it's measured in at 3/16".
Thanks you so much! I'll finally be able to open my windows again!
Tom from SWISCO
Feb 22, 2011 11:32 am
You're welcome!
Quick Learner from Pittsburgh, PA
Jul 26, 2012 6:22 pm
I have the same window with the same part broken the same way. The 26-226 will work, however, the hole in the window frame will not match up with the hole in the pivot.
All I did was drill a new hole in the frame to match up with one of the holes in the pivot and it worked just fine.
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