After doing a lot of research regarding a replacement for the window balance I have, I ordered the 29" balance reading 28hd. They were an inch short, and after remeasuring them, they were actually 30" but the stamp on it reads 28hb bsl (28hb, not 28hd). Not sure this makes a difference but I'm frustrated and don't understand why it measures 30 and says 28. I'm wanting to order the next size up but am worried it will also be incorrect. It looks exactly like the old with the style, just an inch short. Please help, thanks.
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3 Replies
Hello Emily,
I remeasured my old one (just the metal) and it's showing 30" and just a bit, about 1/8 inch to be exact? I weighed my window sash when I ordered the first ones and it was 24lbs I believe, so those appear sufficient to hold that weight in the "HD" category. The only thing is that they were an inch shorter than the old one.
Having said that, would the ones that I bought first (29") be fine, given that they would hold the weight? Or would you recommend I buy the 30"? Not sure whether the length itself makes the most difference, the weight, or if they really have to be both. Could the 29" ones work as long as both sides are replaced to be the same and it supports the weight? Thanks for all your help.