Need replacement balances for one Jordan window

It looks like your balance fittings are non-winged. If so, you have either our S351-29, with a 15-002 bottom attachment, or S390-29, with a 15-001 bottom attachment. Take a look at the image below to determine which balance you'll need. You'll also need a 2830 spring strength option for your replacement balances. Thank you!

It sounds like you may be referring to the top sash guides, which hold the balance in place below the sash. If so, we may be able to supply them but the color does not help us narrow down your options. We would need to see photos of an intact guide removed from one of your windows to compare to our inventory.

Unforutnately, we can't guarantee a replacement without seeing the original top sash guide. We offer the 18-199 for Jordan windows but that doesn't necessarily mean it is what your particular window used originally. Review the specifications below and see what you think.