Need shorter handle for Pella crank

Quick Learner from Painted Post, NY
We just moved into a new (to us) house. One of the Pella cranks is too long to work with the faucet that the previous owners put in. We are having trouble finding a replacement part. I've enclosed a picture of the handle on and hitting the faucet.
Also one picture of the part that the handle goes on, and one of the handle off. I think the bore is 11/32 but I am not totally sure.

We want to get a new handle that is shorter so that we can open the window without hitting the faucet.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hello, Megan! That old handle appears to match our 39-109B. If you wanted something shorter, may I recommend the 39-227B? This is also a Pella brand part and is designed to work on the same hardware as the originals, the only difference is that it's a small T-shaped handle rather than the longer type. See what you think!

Quick Learner from Painted Post, NY
Yes, that shorter handle gives enough space between the faucet. We did try a shorter one that had a 3/8" spline, but it wouldn't go onto the shaft. Is it possible we need 11/32 instead of 3/8?

Also, if we have another window where the shaft is stripped, can just the shaft be replaced?

Tom from SWISCO

It cannot, unfortunately, Those are machine-pressed at the factory so there's no repairing or replacing them. In that situation you would need an all new operator.

That's something we can also help with, though I'd need a clear shot of the whole operator mechanism, including the arms that open and close the window.

Quick Learner from Painted Post, NY
OK, I'll send pictures, but it won't be for a couple of weeks. We are back in North Carolina, packing up the house for the move.

In the meantime, did you see my question about the 3/8" vs. 11/32" shaft? Is it possible the handles we have are 11/32" and if so, does the t-crank come in that size?

Tom from SWISCO

Totally understandable, we'll be here whenever you need us.

As for the shaft size, 3/8" is your only option. Pella brand parts are very, very specific and they have always used a 3/8" sized spline exclusively. It's almost like a trademark with them. They do this on purpose so that you have to buy from them if anything breaks. They don't want you using off-brand parts.

There are 11/32" spline operators but that size is only ever used by Truth brand parts. There is no overlap with the Truth and Pella brands. It won't be possible to use that size. 

Quick Learner from Painted Post, NY
Here are a couple of pictures of the stripped crank.

2 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO

Thank you! This looks like a good match for our 39-176. Check it out and let me know what you think!

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