Need to replace a window balance

Handy Person from Englewood, FL
The window is a single hung, no-tilt, Andersen series 2700. The part is stamped with "27 14L". It is 1/2" thick and 28.25 inches tall. I could not find it on your site. Can you assist?
A user submited photo of window channel balance
12 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you for posting! I'm sorry, but I'm having a bit of trouble identifying what attachments you may have on your balance. Can I see a few closer images of those attachments?

Can you also confirm the length of your metal channel? Our balances usually come on the inch. Please make sure not to include the plastic attachments in your measurements.
Quick Learner from cumming ga
my wife measured it. It is in fact 28 inches for just the metal part.
Thank you
A customer submitted photo of channel balance attachments.
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you, Tony. That makes things a little clearer. However, before I can suggest an applicable replacement for your balance, I'll need your help in identifying the appropriate bottom shoe to use. Please look at our 15-001 and 15-002 and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-1/8" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which one more closely resembles your own shoe? This will help us determine your balance Series, and we can work from there!
Quick Learner
OK, it looks like I would need the 15-002 then. From the pointy end across is one inch. This photo shows what is wrong. Looks like one pully is missing/broken out.
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you. In that case, I suggest that you take a look at our S351-28 channel balance.

As for your stamp option, I was going to suggest that you choose 2710, but now that I see the stamp a more clearly on the balance itself, the 14 is a bit more prominent than I realized. I think it's better to play it safe than sorry in this instance: if at all possible, can you please give me the weight of your window sash? This will help me choose the most accurate stamp option for your balance.
Paul from SWISCO
I highly recommend that you give us as exact a weight as you can. You would have to remove the sash from the window and place it on a scale. If your balance doesn't have the right option, it's likely not to work. I would just like to confirm the weight with you before I suggest anything.
Quick Learner
I really don't know. Maybe 15lbs? Would just replace both balances. the S351-28 looks about right
Quick Learner
will have to continue this discussion next month then. Will not be back to that house until then
Paul from SWISCO
Very well. Let me know as soon as you have the required information, and we can work from there!
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you for getting back to us. That is a very heavy window sash! The 2760 stamp for the S351-28 can carry a sash weight range of 30 through, and including, 33 pounds, but that is the maximum for this balance. Are you positive that the sash weighs 50 pounds?

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.
Quick Learner from cumming ga
the sash weighs 49 or 50 pounds
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