Need to replace channel balances

Home Owner from New Richmond, WI
These channel balances are 24 inches long ( the white metal part), and are 1/2 inch wide. Apparently are spring loaded with a little clip attached to the draw string that fits into a hole on the window frame. There is a number on the part B.S.I. 2320.
I would need 2 of these, one for each side of the window. Can you provide replacements?

Thank you!
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3 Replies
Home Owner from New Richmond, WI
I have two additional windows that need channel balances as well. They use the same type of balance, but the balance is 31 inches long (white metal part) and 1/2 inch wide. The number on the balance is B.S.I. 3030. I would need 4 of these; 2 for each window.
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Casey from SWISCO

Hi there,

It looks like You'll need our S350-24 for your first balance and, if they are both the same series of balance, our S350-31 for your second balance. I can't see the end attachment on your second balance, so make sure that the attachments are truly identical before ordering. The stamp numbers on your balances correlate with the spring strength option that you will need. Your S350-24 will need a 2320 option and the S350-31 will need a 3030 option. 

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