Needing to replace channel balance

Quick Learner from Brandon Reffitt
Hello I am needing to replace my channel balance. The pieces that keep the window up when opened and I can not find them. They are a spring the hooks on a plastic piece that is screwed into the top of the window then a plastic rod is inside of the spring and at the bottom of the rod is a plastic connector and attached is a string that runs to another plastic piece that the bottom of the window metal piece goes into and holds it in
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4 Replies
Lauren from SWISCO

Hello, thank you for posting,

It appears your window uses older rod balances that are no longer made. We should be able to assist with a replacement, but to further review, are you able to show us pictures of the plastic connector and the piece at the bottom of the window that the pivot bar connects into? Thank you! 

Quick Learner from Brandon Reffitt
Here it is
2 user uploaded images
Lauren from SWISCO

Thank you,

With the attachment shown, please review the Series 775 as a possible replacement option. You will need to measure the length of an undamaged rod along with the width of the plastic shoe. You will also need to weigh the window sash and compare to the strength chart on the product page to choose the correct stamp option to support the window. 

Please review and let us know if you have any additional questions! 

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