No name or number found on patio door handles

Professional from Oklahoma city oklahoma

I have a customer who has the lock shown in this response. The handles are brass with the outside being very tarnished...the problem with the unit beside being tarnished is in the lock not always long as the ketch is pointed outward toward the strike at 3 o'clock and you close the door, and you carefully turn the lever from 9 o'clock to 7 o'clock it will have to help the hook to this position or it won't lock...customer aggravated..can you advise??

Northwest lock and key service.

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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


I would recommend starting by comparing the specifications of the 82-087 handle set to yours. If the lock doesn't engage consistently, there may be a problem with either the key cylinder or the mortise lock. I'd suggest removing the mortise lock and testing it manually with a slotted screwdriver to see if it seizes up or if it works properly. Thank you. 

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