Quick Learner from Oconomowoc, WI
May 8, 2023 3:41 pm
I will need a left and a right side latch
4 user uploaded images
3 Replies
Hello there!
Thank you for reaching out to us. I'm afraid this latch is too damaged to ID. In order to help, we will need to see photos of an undamaged version removed from the frame.
There's a chance we may not have a match since storm window hardware is a dying breed but we will try our best.
I'm afraid I'm not sure what to recommend. It would be best to remove the latch completely from the storm lift rail and compare it to the ones we've related for you on this page. Yours looks like it has a tall top rail piece that fits into the rail of the storm sash. I'm also not sure what the end piece that locks into the storm window track looks like. Review the specifications for these parts and see what you think.