Norandex sliding windows wheel

Quick Learner
I need Norandex sliding glass window wheels
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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hello and thank you kindly for waiting during this busy season. I'm not sure if we would have a match for this roller at first glance so I'd need to see it removed from the window to confirm. 

Quick Learner from Pennsylvania
Sorry for the delay in the pictures but enclosed are different views of the bottom sliding glass window wheels. I also need one 36-004-14 hinge bar for the left side looking out
5 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Thanks for the additional photos! We don't sell this exact roller but take a look at our 87-221 and 87-190 roller assemblies. Look over the specifications and compare them with yours to see how they match up. 

All orders can be placed right on our website at your convenience! 

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