Old 1970 Window Spiral Balance

Quick Learner from Pensacola, FL
I have some old 1970 windows with 3/8 20" spiral balances non-tilt that load or connect at the top of the window. I've watched several videos and haven't seen one similar to my window. I've attached a few photos and have more if needed. I need to know what type of spiral balance shoe is needed.

User submitted photos of a window balance.
6 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Justin. I think we can replace this, but I'm having a hard time making out that plastic shoe. Could you show us a clear picture of it from a few different angles? I'd preferably like to see it undamaged and out of the window.
Quick Learner
Sure here you go!
User submitted image of their window hardware.
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you for your patience while we looked into this. I believe we can custom make this for you. I'm thinking our S300-20 with a 15-020 shoe. Can you just tell me the weight of the sash? Can you also tell me how many you need?
Quick Learner from Pensacola, FL
Good Morning Paul,

I will need 12 S300-20 with the 15-020 shoe attached at the bottom. The way these windows come apart is the bottom metal sash clip attaches to the bottom of the window. I'm under a deadline and need to get these ordered asap. I do appreciate all your help and assistance with identifying these parts. My hopes are that the bottom metal clips are still on the bottom of each window since most of these balances are broken.

Kindest Regards,

Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us. Were you able to get the sash weight I requested? Since you're in a hurry, I can send you a custom order link for these balances with a Red Tip color option, which is common, but this is just a guess. Without knowing the weight of the sash I don't know if this is the best spring strength. Two balances with a Red Tip color option can hold sash balances weighing 8 through 21 pounds.

Concerning the metal forks, I don't think you will need them. We won't be able to supply them, anyway. They were discontinued in the 1990's. When I used to repair these this kind of window, I would first remove the sash, then replace the bottom sash clips (17-014 and 17-015, if you need them) and balances. Then I would install the sash back in the frame and have a friend hold it up while I give the spiral an extra three extra turns (you should feel tension building). I would then slide it into the bottom sash clip.

In will send you a custom order form for 12 of these balances, but I still highly encourage you to weigh your sash to confirm that the Red Tip color option is correct.
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