Old viking window balance parts

Home Owner from Vacaville, CA
I have old viking windows and need to replace the balance on many of them. On the window frame I found the label:
Viking industries
Spec: DH-B1-HP (45)
Series: 80/85
MST: 4066

On one of the balances I saw 2830 marked. On another 2280. Is there a difference between 2830 and 2280?

It is a half inch, 29" long (metal only) and the top and bottom guide combination do not match your listings. The top has a shoe and looks like 19-005 and bottom does not have shoe and looks like 15-002. You don't have that combination. What is the best option?
User submitted photos of a window balance.
12 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Mahasti! There's actually a big difference between the 2280 stamp and the 2830 stamp. Aside from their strength, they are made for different sized balances--23" and 29", respectively. Are these for two different windows, or are they in the same window? If they are for two different windows, are the nylon attachments the same on both? Let me know, and we can work from there!
Handy Person from Vacaville, CA
I have two Viking industries windows with 2830 channel balances which are exactly the same problem as Mahasti's post of September 2012... were you able to help him? I would like to replace the shoes and winged top on all four of my channel balances and get these two windows to work again. On each pair of channel balances the left channel has a spring with w clip that hooks into a hole on that side of the window frame. Do you have instructions on how to re-install the window/balances into the frame?
Thanks in advance, Mike
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Mike. I'm afraid he never responded to us, so I'm still not 100% sure what the problem even was. You say that your problem is exactly like his. Does that mean that you have a balance that reads 2280 and another balance that reads 2830, both in the same window? If not, can you be more specific as to the type of balances you have and the problem you're having? Can you also confirm your Series by looking at our selection of 1/2" Non-Tilt Window Channel Balances? That will help us get the ball rolling. If your Series is not listed there, then please upload a few pictures of your balance attachments for me to see.

We do have instructions on how to replace this kind of balance. Check out the video below.
Quick Learner from Vacaville
Tom, thanks for responding. I have two windows with 2280 balances (4 ea 2280 ). My shoes and tops are worn and the spring clips have come unhooked from the window frame ,,, therefore, the window does not stay up by itself and the channel balances arenot attached to the sides of the window. Are the balances supposed to lock/snap onto the window? Ill look at the video and get back to you .
Quick Learner from vacaville
Please tell Mike that his videos are absolutely EXCELLENT. I have to check when I get home, I don't remember seeing clips in the top of the window frame. and the top & shoe replacement looks very easy too. I'll get some better pictures of the tops & shoes as the picture in this thread doesn't show the top or give any dimension. These windows were installed in this whole housing area so I would not be supprised if there aren't a LOT of windows here that need some repairs like this. I'll post again tonight or tomorrow ... Thanks again, Mike
Handy Person from vacaville
Tom, as you can see in picture 2830-1 are the shoe ends of the channel balances from one window. Top is the left side and bottom is the right side channel balance. Picture 2830-2 shows shoe & top ends from the side and 2830-3 shows shoe & top ends from the open channel ... note that the top image is the left side channel (with spring clip) and bottom side the right side channel which does not have spring. I would like to replace the tops and shoes on these four (two windows) channels. I see how to install the left channel in the window frame (Mikes very excellent video) but my right channel has no spring clip ... what holds it in the window frame? the right channel of both of my affected windows does not stay in place when the window is installed (they both fall down between the window and the window frame. Is that because the shoes & tops are worn, or is some little tab broken off of one end or the other? Or is there a cap/retainer piece in the side of the window that the channel balance should lock into/onto?
Thanks for your help, Mike
User submitted photos of window balances.
Tom from SWISCO
I see. It just sounds like your balances are broken in several aspects and need to be replaced.

Take a look at our S395-29 with the 2830 option. Make sure to compare the top and bottom attachment of the S395-29 with your own balance to make sure they are indeed a match.
Quick Learner from Vacaville
Tom, thanks so much.

Also, on the bottom of the sash there is a small nylon button 1/4" dia head, about 1/4" long that is pressed into a 3/16" hole. Is this a guide to keep the window from rubbing directly against the frame? Most of mine are missing. Can you help with these and the right length rivets?
Tom from SWISCO
I'm not sure about the nylon button. Can I see a few pictures of that, as well?
Quick Learner from Vacaville CA
Sorry this took so long ... here is the picture, can you help with these at the bottom of the window frame 1 on each side.

A quick learner from Vacaville says:
October 6, 2013
Also, on the bottom of the sash there is a small nylon button 1/4" dia head, about 1/4" long that is pressed into a 3/16" hole. Is this a guide to keep the window from rubbing directly against the frame? Most of mine are missing. Can you help with these and the right length rivets?
Old viking window balance parts
Paul from SWISCO
Hello! Take a look at our 87-132 glide button, this might work for your Viking window.
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