Operation issue and Confirm 39-325

I'm having trouble with a window that won't close fully. See attached two close up photos, first with red circle and arrow. As the window is almost closed the window stops moving yet the operator assembly links continue to move. I've attempted to show in the second photo that one can no longer see the center of the coupling as it has continued to move but the window stops.
I'm game to replace the operator but am a bit concerned this won't fix the problem. Any thoughts?
I've measured the part and am pretty sure this is a 39-325. Measurements are correct. Could you please glance at the photo and see if there is any reason for me to reconsider the part number
Thanks - Jon

Hello there!
I do wonder if the operator could be stripped. The first thing I suggest is to remove the operator and try opening and closing the window manually by hand to see if the issue is with the operator.
The 39-325 indeed looks like a match for your old assembly. You should be good to go so long as the dimensions align.

Thank you for waiting while we looked into this. You could drill new location holes in the sash bracket to get away from the original hole locations. Another thought would be to adjust the hinge. Take a look at the 36-048 and the 75-034 adjustment wrench. If you have some play between your sash and the window mainframe, you might be able to adjust the "pin" on the hinge to move the sash one way or the other to help get the sash bracket to line up properly.

To add on to what Dave said, It appears the operator is closed before the sash closes. I would try moving the sash bracket over towards the keeper side about 3/16 of an inch. I have had to do this before using the Truth Dyad operators. Try to use as many existing holes as possible, and create a new screw hole if needed.