Operator with the link offset "down" option

Home Owner from Franklin, Wisconsin
Oct 3, 2011 2:13 pm
I need more information regarding your (39-032) EntryGard Dual Arm Operator product. I am looking for a replacement operator for a damaged SEMCO window unit.

The smaller link arm (4-7/16") contains an offset bend in it commonly referred to as a "link offset". The EntryGard options for the dual arm operator are "left or Right" actuation with link offset options being either "up or down". Can your entry guard operator (39-032) be ordered with the link offset "down" option?

Best Regards,
James R.
5 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Oct 4, 2011 2:13 pm
Sorry, I am not quite following what you are asking. Can you submit a picture of the arm you are trying to replace?
Home Owner from Franklin. Wisconsin
Oct 4, 2011 2:41 pm

I have done some additional research on my problem and discovered that SEMCO (Window manufacturer) had Truth Entrygard create a custom version of their standard casement operator for windows made between 1988 and 2005. I have already purchased your model 39-032 dual arm operator to see if it will work in my application. I suspect there will be an alignment problem because the "Link-offset" runs in the opposite direction on the Entrygard standard product. This will produce a linkage misalignment on the short arm of about 0.125". The attached mechanical drawing illustrates my problem.
User submitted drawing of the offset link of their window operator.
The offset link on my casement operator transitions "down" instead of "up" as shown in the above illustration.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Oct 7, 2011 1:09 pm
On the 39-031 and 39-032 Operators, the link arm is offset in the down position, opposite your diagram. I think that's what you're talking about

We like the link arm offset in the down position so that if the terminal clip comes off, the link arm will stay attached to the stud pin. However, I have used both the link arm in the up and down position. I have not noticed any difference in the operation of the window.
Contractor from Keystone, Colorado
Jun 19, 2021 8:40 pm
I recently ordered the 39-032 and after installation, the pull arm (knee shaped arm) that's attached to the short arm would contact the operator and not allow the window to close all the way. After comparing the 39-032 operator to the worn out operator I am trying to replace, the only difference is the link offset is up not down on the worn out operator. Dave Sr. mentioned above he has used both the link arm in the up and down position and has not noticed any difference in the operation of the window. After installing the 39-032 and having issues with the operation of the window (not being able to close it all the way), I'm wondering if the position of the link offset does indeed make a difference and if the info Dave Sr. mentioned above is true or not.
Tom from SWISCO
Jun 23, 2021 2:36 pm

In my experience, you can still use our style operators to replace the older style you currently have. You just have to press the arm down to fit under the bracket, but it shouldn't have to be that much. The difference is slight.

The bad news is that your older style operator simply isn't made anymore. You will have to find a way to get the new style to work, since that is the only way they make these anymore.

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