PGT sliding door model

Quick Learner from Clearwater, Florida
I have a couple of sliding doors that have a PGT sticker but it does not reference any model number. The doors are about 20 years old can you help me with identification so i can order some rollers?
4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

If you'd like us to identify what rollers you have, we'll need to see them removed from your door, along with dimensions, to compare to our inventory. 

Quick Learner from Clearwater, Florida
That really isn't an option. I have to literally take the door apart to remove the roller. I would think that you should know which one ... as PGT is one of the largest door manufacturers. No help here. I can't leave you the door in pieces waiting for the parts.
Emily from SWISCO

PGT manufactures a ton of generic rollers which makes seeing them out of the door very important so we can narrow down our options.  These big manufacturers rather have you replace the entire door, which is more costly, than have you replace just the rollers. We'd like to help you and seeing the rollers out of the door is the only way for us to provide an identification. I know it's a pain in the neck but we can't identify what rollers you have any other way. I've linked a video below on how to remove rollers from a patio door as well. 

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