Likewise 39-376 for opposite hand window.
Thanks for these new photos! Yes, I believe this is a Truth Encore operator.
The brown, plastic construction handle (larger spline) is on the left. The 39-376 (smaller spline) is on the right.
I'm afraid that we don't have a version of the 39-375 and 39-376 with a smaller spindle size. Are you sure your operator matches the first post in this thread? I've never actually seen a handle in your style before, so you may have something entirely different, even if it may look similar at first.
Before we go any further, can you give me the exact diameter of your current spindle, compared to our 11/32"? Can you also show me a photo of your operator?
I am the first post in teh thread as well as the one you are questioning.
I will get more pics tomorrow.
Ah, I see. I'm sorry for misunderstanding.
At this point I'm not sure if more pictures would help. Your photos above show me what kind of operator you have perfectly well. However, according to our database these operators all take an 11/32" spline, which is exactly what our 39-375 and 39-376 have. Truth never made any other size. They only do 11/32", without exception. I'm not really sure why these aren't fitting for you.
I think the most important thing to get right now is the exact diameter of the hole of your original handle.