
Thanks for contacting us. We're happy to look into this. We just need more information to determine what you have here. Can you show us how the balance connects to the pivot shoe? Can you confirm the length of the metal channel?
The pivot shoe is too damaged to identify so we'll need to see an undamaged version to compare to our inventory.

Thank you! We don't sell a 1:1 match for this balance but take a look at the S770-32 and see what you think. Your old stamp doesn't translate to our options so you'll have to weigh the window sash on a scale to determine the correct stamp option. There's a weight chart under the S770-32 product description that you can use as a reference for what stamp option to choose.
Unfortunately, we can't get a good look at your pivot shoe from these photos. If you can show us an undamaged version removed from the window with the written-out thickness and width, that will help us confirm if we have a comparable match.