Patio Door

Home Owner from Fallbrook, CA
I'm having problems finding the adjusting screws on my plate glass (1967) slider. There are no visable adjusting screws or plugs. All other windows are Wayfair aluminum frames, the slider is unmarked. The door operates with ease, (a rail cap has been installed) but does not line up with the jamb. I have to push it closed to latch it. Could a hole be drilled to access the adjuster? Is it a phillips screw? Thanks, David
12 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
I'm not sure what you will have to do. Could I see a few pictures of the window, specifically of where the adjusting screw would be? Thank you!
Home Owner from Fallbrook
See if this helps. Thanks, David
User submitted a photo of patio door hardware.
Paul from SWISCO
The adjusting screw should be a hole just below the frame screw. As a matter of fact, it looks like the 81-004 might be your roller, but I can't guarantee it.
Home Owner from Fallbrook
There is NO hole. That's why I'm asking.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Could I see a close up of the bottom edge of the door? Maybe I can see some clue as to what you may be able to do.
Home Owner
Try this one...
User submitted a photo of patio door hardware.
Paul from SWISCO
I'm assuming that the other side is the same; that is, there's no adjusting screw way there, either. It's hard to believe a door manufacturer would make a door without taking into consideration the possibility of leveling the door. If the door is level and sliding there's no problem leave it alone, but if not you are going to have to remove the door entirely to get to the roller assembly.

Regarding your rail cap, it looks like it's on backwards. The high side should have wool pile weatherstripping up against the sliding door. I believe this weatherstripping is our 58-099.
Home Owner from Fallbrook, CA
I removed the slider sides, the rollers look like your #81-084 no adjustment. I used a mallet to square the doors top and bottom with the jamb. Reassembled and all is well. May need those rollers in the future. Is the screw on the 81-084 used to mount the roller to the door, also non-adjustable? Thanks
Paul from SWISCO
Great, glad you were able to get it out. The screw you're asking about is an adjusting screw, though. Before you order this roller in the future, I recommend that you send a photo of your old one so that we can confirm.
Quick Learner from South Carolina
What size screw is that at the bottom of the frame in the picture above? Somehow mine came out and I need a new one to hold the frame on. Thank you!!
Tom from SWISCO

I'm afraid that's not information that we have access to. To determine the size of the hardware used in this door, I would suggest contacting the original manufacturer directly (assuming that they're still in business).

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