Patio Screen Door wheels

Home Owner from Diamond Bar, CA 91765
I'm looking for patio screen door replacement wheels (this is information was on the label in the patio window that was installed photo 1 shows the actual label: the window series 9500 Vinyl Patio Door PL# 073-302 the AAMA code: ADW-4. The photo 2 is how the wheel was installed, photo 3 is how it looked (this is the top of the sliding screen door) and photo 4 is after I removed the bottom wheels from the sliding screen door.
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5 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO


Take a look at the 84-074 screen door roller. This looks like the roller shown in your photos. However, it looks like there is some type of cover on your rollers, which you may need to reuse. Review the specifications below and see what you think. 

Dimensions for 84-074
Dimensions for 84-074

Home Owner from Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Here is a photo with measurement that I made to the best of my abilities. Should I order 84-074 because the other one is out of stock?
1 user uploaded image
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Unforutnately, we do not carry a version of this roller with the dimensions shown in your drawing. The 84-074 may still be worth considering if you are able to reuse the top cover. If you decide to give it a try and run into any issues, our return policy can be found here

Home Owner from Diamond Bar, CA 91765
Thanks I did order both type and will let you know which one works best when I received and install. Estimated date of delivery is July 22, 2024.
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