Pella slider casing weatherstripping
Handy Person from USA
Mar 25, 2015 12:59 pm
I have attached some photos but is difficult to see. I want to avoid cutting a piece until I know Incan replace it. There are over a hundred of these in my building that all need replacing. I think it is most similiar to 58-181 Pella push in weatherseal. Can you advise?
4 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Mar 26, 2015 9:58 am
The weather stripping bubble you show in your photo does look similar to the Pella 58-181, though it has a different shape. You also say it's for a slider casing while the 58-181 is for a sliding patio door. How old is your patio door? I wonder if you have an older version whose shape Pella changed over the years.
Quick Learner from Massachusetts
Mar 27, 2015 6:34 pm
The building and doors are 12 years old. If I send a sample do you suppose SWISCO might have something that would work well as replacement?
Tom from SWISCO
Mar 30, 2015 11:29 am
Thanks again for your patience! We may be able to get this, but I need a bit more information. Please show me a picture of the inside of the door. This will help us determine exactly what Pella door this is, and what could work to replace this seal. Thank you!
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