Pivot Bar Replacement

Handy Person from Connecticut
I need to locate replacement pivot bars similar to your 26-355 but with a flat pivot pin instead of a round shape. Markings on the diecast part indicate the following: A-S, NYC, 6254. I can email you a picture if you give me your email address. The windows were installed in 1984 in CT.
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
The initials are from a die cast company in New York that closed up about 10 years ago. Send us a picture and we will see if we can get you a substitute.
Paul from SWISCO
Thank for sending an image. Unfortunately, I do not believe you are going to be able to find a replacement for this pivot bar. What you may need to do, is to stop by a mill work that manufactures wood windows and see if you can incorporate their track system into your windows.
Handy Person from Connecticut
Attached find a photo of the A-S pivot bar that I need replacements for. I need 10 pieces.

I will separately provide rough dimensions.

Thanks for any help you can provide.

Eric N
Customer image of their pivot bar
Handy Person from Connecticut
Paul -

Thanks for your reply to the image of the A-S Pivot Bar that I sent you.

Attached find the rough dimensions of the A-S pivot bar that I'm trying to replace.

Before I look into alternatives on replacing the balancing system and tracks, I'd like to first see if its possible to find an existing pivot bar that I can modify.

Based on the dimensions in the attached sketch, do you think any of the following currently available pivot bars could be modified to come close:


Based on what dimensions I could see on your website I'm thinking that 26-355 and 26-361 could be good candidates to work from.

I have access to a machine shop and can machine down any excess materials.

Thanks for your help with this.

Customer drawing of their pivot bar.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

I looked over our parts and came up we three suggestions. Look at 17-056 and 17-075. These come close to what you need, but you might still have to do some machine work on them.

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