Pivot Shoe Help

Home Owner from North Carolina
Mar 4, 2011 12:03 am
I have several windows where the pivot shoes have broken and the spiral balance has come detached from the shoe. I have attached a few pictures. I cannot seem to find a replacement shoe with that matches the existing. the existing has a screw in the shoe to help keep the balance attached. I have not been able to measure the thickness of the shoe because I can't get it out of the jamb. I did measure the depth of the jamp and it was about 9/16". Can you halp me to identify the proper replacment shoe? Also, what are your recommendations on how to remove the old shoe? Thanks for your help!

user submitted photo of pivot shoe
1 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Mar 7, 2011 10:43 am
Thank you for submitting your photos.

Please take a look at the Swisco 15-118 Balance Shoe. To remove the old shoe, you can cut your track, or purchase the 75-069 Jamb Spreaders. You may also need to use a charging tool, like the Swisco 75-006 Charging Tool.
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