Pivot shoe quandry

Home Owner from Blufton, SC


I have "Weather Shield", Single-Hung windows. I need several, ~~12, new pivot shoes to replace some that are corroded or broken. (I watched your video! Great video on how to replace them! BTW ) I have included in this messages, three photos of one of the good shoes. They are ~ 2 inches tall, ~1.25 inches wide, and ~.5 inch thick. It works on a "spiral-bar" system. To me, and I am just a novice-homeowner-type, model 15-135 looks like it may work for me, but I was hoping for your expert input on this before I pull the trigger and order.

Could you please take a look and give me your opinion? I would greatly appreciate it...

Thank you sooo much for taking this time for me.


3 user uploaded images
4 Replies
Bob from SWISCO

Hey Steve. Based on the shoe's design, this looks to me more like the 15-188 or 15-178. These two shoes just differ in their thickness. It will be best to remove the old shoe to obtain an accurate measurement to see which of these options matches what you need best. See what you find.

Dimensions for 15-178
Dimensions for 15-178
Alternate image for 15-188
Alternate image for 15-188

Home Owner from Blufton, SC
That sure does look like it!!!!! Thank you so much for the rapid reply. I'll do what you suggested before I order up!

Thanks again, Bob... I am very grateful!

Bob from SWISCO

My pleasure, Steve. Let us know if you have any other questions!

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