Plastic balance clips for Alcan windows

Quick Learner from Florida
We have Alcan single hung windows. The plastic clips that hold the balance at the top of the windows have broke. I can find the balance but not the clips. I hope you can help us.
Thanks God Bless
User submitted picture of non-tilt top sash guide.
8 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Len.

I believe you're referring to a top sash guide, our selection can be seen here: top sash channel balance guides.

However, we can't quite make exactly what top sash guide you have. If you can, remove it from the window and submit a few pictures of the guide. This should help us identify a possible replacement.
Quick Learner
this is what broke off
User submitted picture of alcan window sash guide.
Paul from SWISCO
Thank you for the additional image. It looks quite similar to our 18-161 top sash guide. Please take a look and see if you think that matches up.
Quick Learner
The 18-161 is not the right one ours is not solid in the middle. If you could let me know how to disassemble the window, I could get one that is not broke out of another one of her windows. Thanks
Paul from SWISCO
In that case, please take a look at our tutorial video on how to replace a side-load balance. This video details how to remove your sash in the beginning.

Let me know if this has helped you.
Quick Learner
Took the window apart and guess what, you were right. It is 18-161 and I just ordered four of them. Thank you for all your help, Len
Paul from SWISCO
It was no problem, Len! I'm glad you were able to find what you were looking for. Please let me know if there's anything else I can help with.
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