Plastic retainers

The part you're searching for is called a top sash guide. We don't sell a direct match for this but the 18-009, 18-166, and 18-188 are similar. Take a look at the specifications and see how they compare with your old top sash guide. You'll notice that some of them have a larger top that would need to be shaved down to fit into the opening in your sash frame.

If you need replacement balances as well, we'll need to see the fitting attached to the opposite end of the metal channel, as well as the stamp code on the balance itself to narrow down your options. Thank you!

Thanks for getting back to us. We can supply your replacement balances but it will need to be a custom order due to the extended travel pulley system and unique combination of end attachments. To confirm the correct replacement, we'll also need to see a clear view of the metal pulley hook that is partially visible in your last photo.