Plastic support for back end of a sliding pantry drawer.

Handy Person from 34446
The plastic piece that supports the channel which the drawer slides fit into broke. Note the small piece of wood support I put underneath the slide holders about 8 or 9 years ago because with the weight of canned goods, etc, the holders were just not strong enough. That worked great until today when my wife pulled one of the drawers out and the the bottom of the plastic support broke.

If you have access to an item like this, please let me know with a part number that I can use to order it.
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3 Replies
Handy Person from 34446
From FURTHER checking your site, I found the parts that are like mine, called "rear mount fixed sockets". Just wanted to send a follow up to say I checked the size of mine, outside measured 15/16 of an inch with an of pair of calipers I had. :)

Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for posting! Based on your pictures and information, I recommend our 32-119. I think you'll find this is a close match to your old socket.

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