Please help identify

Handy Person from Hercules, CA
We have included pictures of the balances for you. They are pretty mangled so hopefully you can still identify them. The metal section is 28" long and the only markings we found were the numbers 2740 and the letters B.S.I. on the metal section.

I guess my one area of concern is that the one shoe LOOKS more transparent like your 15-005 however when seen against the ruler it appears to be larger than 1" which would then make it the 15-004 which is more opaque in color.

The lock on the window says "Western Products".
User submitted photos of a window balance.
3 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
The color of the shoes actually doesn't matter at all. What's important is the size. If you feel your shoe's size is closer to the 15-004, then I think you might want to consider our Series 350 channel balance. Let me know what you think.
Handy Person from Hercules, CA
I think I agree, just wanted a second opinion from someone with more knowledge.
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