Trying to replace door hinges can you please identify, I was thinking 79-125. The 3 bolt pattern on the top hinge spacing looks different 2 are close together and 1 further apart. The 79-125 looks like the 3 holes are symmetrical.
Thanks in advance...
Please identify Commercial Hinges
Quick Learner from Charleston, SC
Aug 28, 2022 5:21 pm
4 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Aug 31, 2022 11:12 am
We Thanks for reaching out to us. Based on your description and photos then something like our 79-131 might be a better option. The top hole of the 3-hole pattern is set further back, like yours. The bottom portion also has an offset hole, which yours also appears to have.
I cannot guarantee that this is a match for your original but it may be a better starting off point than the 79-125.
Hole center dimensions for 79-131
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