Pozzi Window Operator

Quick Learner from California
I need a Casment Window Operator for a Pozzi Window. It looks like your Dyad Operator with 4" split arme (#39-035) but it is hard to tell. Can I get a better drawing of this? Or... what would you think? Carl
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
To identify the operator you will have to remove it from your window. Normally the operator is attached with screws behind or below the sill stop or what they call the screen stop. Then you will be able to get a good look at it and compare it to the operators on the SWISCO website. Please send us your pictures if you would like us to look at them. I'm not familiar with Pozzi windows, however Pozzi might have made different types of casement windows which use different types of hardware.
Quick Learner
This unit has the word "Truth" on it and this appears to be its company name. I have it removed from the window and its seems to match the #39-035 listed above. I will need to take a picther of it tonight.
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