Product identification assistance needed

I am in need of a new non tilt channel balance to replace broken part. Existing is 29 inch metal channel with 28B marking. 9/16 width and 1/2 depth. Has winged top guide and winged bottom shoe. Looks like your 380 part but my bottom shoe depth is only 7/8 inches.
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5 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


We do carry the 15-029 balance shoe with a depth of 7/8" but it will need to be a custom order since we do not carry any stock balances that come with this show. The top fitting will be the 19-005. The 28B stamp on your assembly would generally correspond to a 2820 strength option but it would be a good idea to confirm that your sash falls within the 12-16 pound weight range. Also, please note that the minimum order would be two balances since it is important to replace both sides to ensure that the sash is evenly supported. Thank you! 

Dimensions for 15-029
Dimensions for 15-029

Thank you. The 2820 will work. Can you provide pricing on 4 of these please?
Casey from SWISCO

Great, we just sent over an order link and price quote for you to review. Take a look and let us know if you need anything else. 

Thank you for the help.
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