Quaker maid Drawer Slide Replacement

Quick Learner from Madison Wisconsin
Looking to buy two pairs that slide into the grove in the wood on the drawers themselves
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6 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Greetings. Unfortunately I don't think we can match your drawer tracks. Take a look at the 32-060 drawer track kit along with the other kits in the Cabinet Hardware section. I believe you could use this type of track as a replacement. See what you think.

Quick Learner from Pennsylvania
Need three pairs of Quaker Maid drawer tracks that slide into the groove. Or, if the actual coasters can be replaced in the tracks, it would also resolve the problem. use same photos as those illustrated above.
Paul from SWISCO

Thank you for your correspondence. I am afraid that we are unable to find the original tracks that Quaker Maid used. Take a look instead at the 32-060 drawer track kit, along with other sized kits. I believe you could use this type of track as a replacement.

Quick Learner from Rochester NY 14620
Looking for a piece of drawer hardware from mid90s. The metal part that attaches to the drawer front had pieces snap off.
3 user uploaded images
Tom from SWISCO

I'm sorry to say that we don't sell anything that matches the part you show here. My recommendation would be to contact the original maker of the cabinet to see if they might be able to sell you this component.

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