Red pivot shoe and spiral rod looks orange in color

Landlord from Long Beach CA
Need to replace pivot shoe and spirals both sides appear rusty and top sah won't pull down and bottom sash won't stay up. Vinyl windows with double tilt. I need to know the sizes of both shoe and spiral rod needed to fix my windows please (for two windows). Thank you. Vittoria
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2 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO

Hey there,

Thanks for posting! I'm sorry to say we wouldn't be able to confirm the sizes you need from the photos. You'll need to remove the hardware from the window to confirm the measurements. 

To identify the replacement shoes, we'll need to know the width and the thickness of your existing shoes. For the spiral balances, we'll need to know the diameter of the balance tube as well as length (not including the plastic colored tip).

Take a look over the video tutorials tagged below for an idea of how to remove the shoes and balances from the window as well as what we need to see to identify them. You can disregard the coil balance video and guide.

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