
Handy Person from Dawson, AL
This 84-026 looks closes to my roller but to be sure I should remove it so I can get the exact dimensions. Can you give me directions for removing this item?
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
If it is the 84-026 corner wheel you need to replace, you will unfortunately will have to take the patio screen door part. That means you will have to rescreen the door when you are finished replacing the corner wheel. To remove a corner wheel, first turn the adjusting screw on the side of the door counter clockwise to lower the wheel. Lowering the wheel should give you enough clearance to get the door off of the track. After you have removed the door from the track, remove the spline and screen wire from the door. Gently tap the door frame apart and this should release the corner wheel.
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