Removing the pastic piece across Andersen Sash, 11600-17

Quick Learner from Derwood, MD
how the heck is the plastic piece across top of 11600-17 supposed to come out? we managed to get one out and see that there is a metal box on each side of top-- sash balance box, i guess. and how is that sash balance box supposed to come out?

4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

You're right, on the Andersen double-hung windows there is a top plastic cover piece that covers the balance box.

To take it out, first lower the top sash to expose the screws that hold the cover in place and then remove them. 

After the screws are out you will have to bend down the cover from the middle and slip it out on one of the sides. Just be careful not to crack it on accident; depending on how old it is, it may be brittle, so take your time and don't be too rough. 

Lastly, to remove the nylon string pin on the one side of the sash, you will have to remove the left hand side jamb liner. Only remove the bottom half, which is also held in with screws.

Hopefully this information helps but please let us know if you needed more information!

Quick Learner from st louis mo
I have andersen narroline double hung windows (27) of them. Is there any way to lubricate the sash balances without removing the top plastic cover?, such as spray silicon into the string housing opening or ?
Tom from SWISCO

Hey there! We actually have a video now that may be of some help to you. Take a look at this tutorial guide on replacing an Andersen Window Balance:

Removing the top jambliner wasn't too difficult of a task. I agree that it would be nice to be able to lubricate the balances without doing it, but I think if you try to remove the top jambliner you'll notice it isn't too difficult. Just make sure you have a few screwdrivers handy.

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