Removing/Replacing operator covers

Quick Learner from New Hampshire
I have many, many Anderson windows throughout our home. The windows are in terrific condition; however, the hardware was painted on (acrylic) and looks terrible. I have identified the re;placement sash locks and operator handles and also know how to remove and replace these items. However, I cannot seem to remove the operator covers. After removing the handle and the two screws, are there any other things that need to be removed? I hesistate to pull too hard as I don't want to break anything but also don't know if they are painted in place and I just have to wrestle them off.

Please advise ... removing operator covers ...

And/or removing very old acrylic paint from the covers, sashes and handles
2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO
They should be able to snap off after the handle and installation screws are removed, if they are the 39-154, Andersen operator covers.

If the covers are painted in place, try scoring around the perimeter of the cover with a utility knife.

If they are old and painted, they might crack when removing and you would need to purchase new replacement covers.
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