Replacement Mirror Door Rollers

Home Owner from Walnut Creek Ca
I need to replace Contractors Wardrobe rollers for sliding mirror doors. I would like four new rollers. The wheels have worn down on the original rollers. I ordered four of these new rollers from you recently, but I was shipped the wrong ones. They look nothing like these and do not fit. Please advise.

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2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Hey, Dave. I'm sorry to hear you were shipped the wrong rollers. Was it an entirely different part number from what you ordered? I can't see any orders associated with your email address. However once we know more information we would of course be happy to fix it for you and send you the right one.

The question is, what is the right one? The key is the type of wheel; is yours convex, or concave? I can't tell from your picture. If it's convex, I recommend our 23-285. If it's concave, I recommend our 23-028.
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