Replacement Shower Door Parts

Home Owner from Wauconda, IL
My shower door came off the tracks yesterday. Can you please help me locate parts? Here are the numbers from the glass:

Tempered Glass
16CFR 1201.II
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2 Replies
Casey from SWISCO


Your top shower roller resembles the 10-098, depending on how the specifications below compare to yours. We also offer the 10-099 bottom roller commonly used with this top roller. 

Dimensions for 10-098
Dimensions for 10-098

Dimensions for 10-099
Dimensions for 10-099

These parts are generally used on curved shower doors but I don't see any obvious reason for that our rollers couldn't work for flat doors like yours. With that being said, I'd recommend looking over our return policy here just in case you run into any trouble. Thanks for posting! 

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