Attached are two photos that I took of the top and bottom ends of the bi-fold door set, without the hardware in place.
Can you discern whether your hardware will fit on these doors, please? I would much prefer to make these doors work, rather than buying new ones that are much shorter (requiring a bulkhead to be constructed) and are much simpler in detailing that may pose an eyesore with others on the same floor of the house.
I would be willing to purchase both tracks and all pins, plungers, etc. so everything works as intended, instead of mixing and matching old and new parts.
I have at least a dozen more similar sets of bi-fold doors in the home - all full height floor to ceiling, at all closets.
Similar height replacements are outrageous custom orders at typical building supply stores that send the cost from $100 to over $300 per set.
I'd be willing to cut and fit-on additional steel plates to make your hardware work, if necessary.
The plastic piece in the photo appeared similar to one of your products, which makes me optimistic that something should be able to work.
Thanks again,