Replacement balance -- #377 31 "?

Quick Learner from Boca Raton, Florida
Nov 4, 2012 12:19 pm
Hello - I believe I need the part #377 / 31 " - I've attached a couple of pictures to help. Please confirm. Thanks.

9 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Nov 5, 2012 10:55 am

Thanks for posting. Yes, it appears that our S377-31 is a good match. Just make sure that all the dimensions line up. Do you also know what stamp option you need?

Quick Learner from Boca Raton
Nov 5, 2012 11:38 am
What other dimensions are you referring to? Also, what is the "stamp option" you refer to? thanks.

Tom from SWISCO
Nov 5, 2012 1:26 pm

Well, you should definitely measure your plastic attachments and make sure they match the 15-005 and 19-018. You should also double check the length of your metal channel to confirm that it's 31".
The stamp option represents the strength of the channel balance. Locate the stamp on your channel balance. If your stamp does not match any of the stamp options available, remove your sash from the window and weigh it, then compare that weight to the weight range chart shown on the S377-31's product page.
The stamp option represents the strength of the channel balance. Locate the stamp on your channel balance. If your stamp does not match any of the stamp options available, remove your sash from the window and weigh it, then compare that weight to the weight range chart shown on the S377-31's product page.

Tom from SWISCO
Nov 9, 2012 8:13 am

That's what I would choose, as well, but you may want to double check just in case. The 3030 stamp option can carry a window sash weight range of 16 through 23 pounds. Does the weight of your sash fall within that range?

Quick Learner
Nov 9, 2012 8:24 am
Can I assume a stamp showing 30-3 1 on my unit would equate to you 3030 option?

Quick Learner
Nov 9, 2012 9:51 am
well, i can't weight it until tonight. I already put the order in. I guess i have to cross my fingers.

Quick Learner from West Boca
Nov 19, 2012 8:53 am
I've received the replacement springs and am having a problem with installation. please see attached pdf w/ pictures that will hopefully clearly show what is my problem.
I cannot "reach" the lip [if in fact that is what I'm supposed to use] with the hook. Am I supposed to pull the hook out with pliers?? There is a screw below the lip as well , if that is to be used for anything.
Also, regarding the wing placement, I believe [based on looking at other windows in my home] that the rear/left side, rests IN the channel, while the left rests on top. It certainly appears too wide for any other thing to happen.
I cannot "reach" the lip [if in fact that is what I'm supposed to use] with the hook. Am I supposed to pull the hook out with pliers?? There is a screw below the lip as well , if that is to be used for anything.
Also, regarding the wing placement, I believe [based on looking at other windows in my home] that the rear/left side, rests IN the channel, while the left rests on top. It certainly appears too wide for any other thing to happen.

Paul from SWISCO
Nov 20, 2012 8:49 am

Thanks for getting back to us. This is a very strange set up! I'm not quite sure how your balances may attach here based on these pictures, though. I would first remove a sash from another window that isn't broken and see how the balance shoes fit in the track there. The main thing you want to look out for is whether the wings fit on top or under the channel. If you can, send pictures of the undamaged balances installed in the jamb for me to look at. That would give me a better idea of what we're working with here.
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