Replacement bubble seal for Capitol windows

Home Owner from Concord, NC
I have MI - Capitol windows in my home - built 1997. The bulb seal on the bottom window has deteriorated on most of them so I'm looking for a place to purchase replacements. I've pulled the seal out of the "T" slot on one window to take to a local Lowes and Home Depot, but they don't carry parts except for their own windows. Unlike the 58-171 pictured above, the top of the "T" is parallel to the bottom of the window. Where can I purchase replacement bulb seals for these windows?
a user submitted photo of bubble seal
6 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Can you please give me this weatherstripping's dimensions? I would like to know the width of the "T", as well as the diameter of the bulb.
Quick Learner from Concord, NC
Thanks for your response. The width of the "T" is 1/4 inch, and the diameter of the bulb is approximately 5/16 inch.
Paul from SWISCO
In that case, please take a look at our 58-135, which is close to your own dimensions. Do you think this may work for you?
Handy Person from Brookeville, Maryland
Please help me identify/find the weatherstripping in the attached diagram. It is from a Patriot series window (Ryan Homes)and is on the bottom of the movable lower window. The weatherstripping seals between the window bottom and the lower window frame.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for your patience in this matter. I've placed you into an existing thread concerning what I believe to be the same weatherstripping as your illustration. Like Paul recommended above, check out our 58-135 and see if this could be used as a replacement.
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