The house we bought has center-mount drawer slides with a central metal channel attached to the cabinet, rollers on both sides of the cabinet opening that the drawer sides roll on, and a white plastic glide screwed to the back of the drawer. Most of them work just fine, but a few of the plastic glides are broken and need to be replaced.
Here are a couple photos of the glides (sorry for the bad picture quality). They have Hardware Designers Inc cast into them, and some say No.352 and some No.452. I'm not quite sure if the closest thing you have is 32-032 or 32-088, or if you can suggest something else.
The metal channel fins are about 1/8" thick and about 1-1/4" wide across the fins. The slot in the plastic glide that the metal fins ride in is about 5/32 to 3/16 wide and a little less than 1-5/16" across, and the opening between the tips of the arms is 1".
Hope you can help.