Replacement of Truth Maxim Dual Operator .... detach-clips needed?

Handy Person from USA
Sep 19, 2023 1:17 pm
( I ordered a replacement for my awning operator last week....installation was a breeze and it works great....thanks! I want to tackle a couple other windows now.....)

I have a Truth Maxim Dual Arm operator, stamped "Truth" and "41012" on the arm identifies it.
This is discontinued, but you recommend Encore 39-253RB to replace it.

The operator we have does not use "detach clips". It is not clear to me if there is some kind of clip or filler/epoxy that is used to keep the arms from sliding off the snap-joint. If I order a 39-253RB will I need to also order detach-clips to keep the arms attached? Or will the arms snap onto the studs without needing to add detach-clips?

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4 user uploaded images
3 Replies
Emily from SWISCO
Sep 20, 2023 12:59 pm

Hi there!

Our 39-253RB doesn't use detach clips either so I'm a bit confused. Our operator looks like a great match to me. I also don't see any filter epoxy shown here. Are we missing something?

Handy Person from USA
Sep 20, 2023 8:57 pm
I am uncertain on how the replacement arm will stay attached. If the arm snaps into place without any additional suppor: that's what I need to know. Thanks!
Emily from SWISCO
Sep 22, 2023 8:07 am

The 39-253LB and 39-253RB operators use the 39-545 and 39-546 brackets. The link arm simply snaps onto the snap ring and doesn't need additional support to keep it in place. 

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