Quick Learner from Lift Grip/Handle
Oct 30, 2011 2:03 pm
I checked your on line catalog and can't seem to match up the parts that i need for our windows. We have white Thermagard tilt-in vinyl windows and the lift grips/handles are cracking - they are 3" long, 3/4" high, 3/4" deep at the widest point - inset of handle/grip into the window sash is 13/32" deep. The Grip portion extends 7/16" from the sash - total indent for the finger grip is 3/4" to the top of the grip 1/2" at the bottom of the grip. Screw that holds handle /grip in place is a single screw centered in the recessed portion of the handle/grip. Hopefully the description and the attached pixs can help you identify the parts we need.
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