I just received a 39-226 OKNA Folding Handle to replace my broken crank on a "Superseal Series 1600" Awning style window. Due to the molding being underneath the broken handle, I cannot get a screwdriver on the nuts inside. Is there another way I can replace this without removing the wood molding underneath? Are you aware of a video I can watch to teach me how to do this job? Thanks very much for any assistance. -Kent
Replacing this crank
Quick Learner from Beacon Falls, CT
Dec 14, 2012 10:59 am
4 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Dec 18, 2012 10:46 am
Thanks for posting, Kent. I actually don't think that there is a set screw on this handle. I think it is held in with friction only. It should just pull out and push back in. Do you have another window that's identical to this one that you can look at without the wood in the sill?
Quick Learner from Beacon Falls
Dec 18, 2012 11:08 am
I will check that out, thanks. I was able to remove the entire crank/operator assembly out of the window, but it seems the replacement parts you have do not have the same dimensions..... May have to have the window replaced now.
Quick Learner from Beacon Falls, CT
Dec 21, 2012 4:11 pm
You were exactly right! Since the handle was broken off inside of the operator, the only way I could pull it off was repeatedly grabbing at it with needle nose pliers. The handle you sent fits. Now all I have to do is to figure out how to get the assembly back into the window..... Thanks, Dave
You were exactly right! Since the handle was broken off inside of the operator, the only way I could pull it off was repeatedly grabbing at it with needle nose pliers. The handle you sent fits. Now all I have to do is to figure out how to get the assembly back into the window..... Thanks, Dave
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