Retaining glass clips

Contractor from USA
Mar 28, 2023 1:36 pm
Good afternoon,

I am trying to locate the glass retaining clips in the photos provided. I
believe its 10mm at the rectangle end, 21mm length, 7mm at rounded edge.
Please let me know if you have anything like this, or closely similar. We
have previously purchased your long and short glass retaining clips, item
numbers 32-325 and 32-324.

Thank you for your help!
Isabel GC5 Isabel GC4 Isabel GC3 Isabel GC2 Isabel GC1
5 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Emily from SWISCO
Mar 29, 2023 2:57 pm


I've never seen this style of clip before but I do think that the two you picked out are similar. 10mm is approximately 13/32" but I don't know if you're measuring the full depth or just the projection. 

For example, the peg on our 32-325 is 5/16", but this is just the projection, not the full depth. Can you write out the measurement for the rectangular portion?

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